
15 Feb

MAH Portraits

Pet Portraits No Response

I am doing a photo project for work – taking photos of some of the staff pets to print and display in our clinic. Thank you to everyone who let me photograph their pets! Click on the links below to jump to your photo.




{ Bri’s Major }



{ Marin’s Stevie, Wilson & Betty }



{ Christine’s Ramsey }



{ Jordan’s Indiana }



{ Hailey’s Mason }



{ Heidi’s Charlie }



{ Roz’s Buzz }



{ Katie’s Val, Fezzik & Gibbs }



{ Kelly’s Kai (with cameos by Leah & Chili) }



{ Emily’s Leda }



{ Janie’s Pongo & Emma }



{ Sara’s Callie & Elsa }



{ Jen’s Lucy, Chrome & Bumper }

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Justine & Mike&#… September 28, 2015